Konkursni rad se predaje:
- u zapakovanom/komprimovanom folderu (elektronski .zip, ne veći od 25 MB), isključivo nazvanim izabranom šifrom od pet arapskih brojeva i dva slova (npr: AB12345). Ukoliko je sadržaj konkursnog rada veći od 25MB, formirati i drugi zapakovan folder, koji je neophodno imenovati rednim brojem u nastavku izabrane šifre, i tada se zipovani folder nazivaju, npr: AB12345_1 i AB12345_2.
Važno obaveštenje: Učesnicima na konkursu je dozvoljeno da sve grafičke priloge – 2D i 3D prikaze – predaju kao fajlove u .pdf formatu dimenzija 100x70cm, horizontalno orijentisani (landscape), u rezoluciji 150 PPI , umesto kao fajlove u .pdf formatu dimenzija 42x29.7cm (A3), horizontalno orijentisani (landscape), u rezoluciji 150 PPI, kako je navedeno u raspisu i programu konkursa.
Pitanje: Postovani, interesuje nas da je dozvoljeno studentima da samostalno učestvuju na konkursu?
Odgovor: Pogledati u Raspisu Programa konkursa pod tačkom 9.1. Uslovi za učešće na konkursu, što znači da morate imati u timu pored vas i osobu sa sa stečenom visokom stručnom spremom iz oblasti arhitekture.
Question: Dear Sir/Madam, we are interested whether students are allowed to participate in the competition independently?
Answer: See the Program Notice for Competition, under item 9.1. Competition Participation Terms and Conditions, implying that you must have in the team beside you a person with a university degree in architecture.
Pitanje: Zdravo, imate li smernice na engleskom?
Odgovor: Poštovani, prilog III SMERNICE NADLEŽNIH INSTITUCIJA, nije preveden na engleski jer je jezik konkusa srpski. Najbitniji delovi iz ovih smernica se nalaze u Raspisu Programa i na engleskom jeziku. Iz izveštaja Građevinskog Fakulteta se izdvaja tekst u poglavlju 6.1. na stranama 42 do 44. Uslovi koji se odnose na obim prostornih intervencija iz uslova Zavoda za zaštitu spomenika kulture Grada Beograda, se nalaze u poglavlju 7.3.1. na stranama 56 i 57.
Question: Hi, do you have the guidelines in English?
Answer: Dear Sir/Madam, Attachment III GUIDELINES OF THE COMPETENT INSTITUTIONS has not been translated into English because the language of the competition is Serbian. The most important parts of the guidelines are in the Program Notice and they are in English. The text in Chapter 6.1 is taken from the report of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, on pages 42 to 44. The conditions related to the scope of spatial interventions from the Conditions of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Belgrade can be found in Chapter 7.3.1., on pages 56 and 57.
Pitanje: Da li je dozvoljeno studentima da samostalno ucestvuju u konkursu?
Odgovor: Pogledati u Raspisu Programa konkursa pod tačkom 9.1. Uslovi za učešće na konkursu, što znači da morate imati u timu pored vas i osobu sa sa stečenom visokom stručnom spremom iz oblasti arhitekture.
Question: Are students allowed to participate in the competition independently?
Answer: See the Program Notice for Competition, under item 9.1. Competition Participation Terms and Conditions, implying that you must have in the team beside you a person with a university degree in architecture.
Pitanje: Može li aneks imati toplu vezu sa Lozionicom za koju ćemo morati da srušimo jedan od fasadnih zidova
Odgovor: Topla veza aneksa i Ložionice može se samo ostvariti ukoliko ne narušava formu i geometriju postojećeg objetka Ložionice. Veze su moguće samo ako ne narušavaju volumen, raster, i geometriju postojećeg dela Ložionice, i posebno ne zaklanjaju fasadu sa natpisom „Ložionica“.
Question: Can the annex be connected to Ložionica by a heated corridor, for which we will have to tear down one of the facade walls?
Answer: The heated corridor between the annex and Ložionica can only be executed if it does not impair the form and geometry of the existing facility of Ložionica. Corridors are possible only if they do not impair the volume, grid, and geometry of the existing part of Ložionica, and specifically if they do not obscure the view of the facade with the inscription "Ložionica".
Pitanje: Da li je dozvoljeno samo novogradnja u unutrašnjosti Lozionice i vraćanje spoljašnjosti u prvobitni oblik.
Odgovor: Dozvoljene su prostorne intervencije u enterijeru Ložionice. Postojeći volumen objekta Ložionice se u potpunosti zadržava i rekonstruiše bez dogradnje i prostornih intervencija na samom objektu koje bi menjali volumetriju objekta. Spoljašnjost – fasada Ložionice prilikom rekonstrukcije treba da što više upućuje na njen originalni izgled i da što više podrži geometriju i raster prvobitnog objekta. Imajuću u vidu da je specifična funkcija Ložionice diktirala i njenu fasadu - posebno prema prostoru okretnice, moguće je prilagodjavanje fasade novoj funkciji Ložionce samo u smislu podele staklenih otvora, ali da što više upućuje i koliko god je moguće zadrži geometriju i interpretira prvobitni izgled Ložionice.
Question: Is only new construction allowed inside Ložionica, including the restoration of the exterior to its original shape?
Answer: Spatial interventions are allowed in the interior of Ložionica. The existing volume of the Ložionica facility is completely preserved and reconstructed without additions and spatial interventions on the facility itself that would change the volume/shape of the facility. Exterior - the facade of Ložionica during the reconstruction should reflect as much as possible its original layout and support as much as possible the geometry and grid of the original building. Having in mind that the specific function of Ložionica dictated also its facade - especially towards the area of Okretnica (turntable), it is possible to adjust the facade to the new function of Ložionica only in terms of distribution of the glass openings, but to reflect and keep the geometry and interpret the original appearance of Ložionica as much as possible.
Pitanje: šta to znači 'The structures of Okretnica, Lozhionica and Vodotoranj should be kept in their 'as is' state, without restoring them to their original condition.'(strana 57 u dokumentaciji) kada je njihovo trenutno stanje uništeno, zanemareno i nije sigurno.
Odgovor: Projekat rekonstrukcije i eventualnih ojačanja konstruktivnih elemenata biće predmet posebnog projekta i nije predmet ovog konkursa. Postojeća konstrukcija objekata će se pre izvođenja radova na rekonstrukciji dodatno ispitati, a ukoliko bude bilo potrebe ojačati i uskladiti sa proračunskim modelima, važećom tehničkom regulativom i standardima za tu vrstu radova. Za potrebe pripreme konkursnih rešenja savetuje se da se koriste trenutno dostupni podaci o dimenzijama i materijalu konstruktivnih elemenata kako su prikazani u arhivskoj građi, te da se ne dostavljaju detaljni proračuni postojeće konstrukcije.
Question: What does it mean 'The structures of Okretnica, Ložionica and Vodotoranj should be kept in their 'as is’ state, without restoring them to their original condition.' (page 57 in the documentation) when they are currently ruined, neglected and unsafe?
Answer: The design for reconstruction and possible strengthening of structural elements will be the subject of a special project and is not the subject of this competition. The existing structure of the facilities will be additionally examined before the reconstruction works are performed, and if necessary, it will be fortified and adjusted to the budget models, valid technical regulations and standards for this type of works. For the purpose of preparing competition solutions, it is advisable to use currently available data on the dimensions and material of structural elements as shown in the archives, and not to submit detailed calculations of the existing structure.
Pitanje: Da li je moguće nadograditi sprat iznad Lozionice čuvajući krovnu konstrukciju netaknutom?
Odgovor: Ne, nije moguće nadograditi sprat iznad objekta Ložionice.
Question: Is it possible to add a floor above Ložionica, and preserve the roof structure intact?
Answer: No, it is not possible to add a floor above the Ložionica building.
Pitanje: Da li je moguće uspostaviti fizičku vezu (toplu vezu) između Lozionice i Tornja iako bi ta veza bila izvan građevinskih linija?
Odgovor: Nije moguće u bilo kom slučaju predvideti objekte izvan građevinske linije
Question: Is it possible to set up a physical connection (heated corridor) between Ložionica and the tower (Toranj), even though that connection would extend outside the construction lines of the plot?
Answer: It is not possible to design buildings that extend outside the construction lines in any case.
Pitanje: Dobar dan, jel dozvoljeno da arhitekti koji nisu iz Srbije ucestvuju na ovaj konkurs? Jel moguce da je tim Internacionalan te da nema srpske chlanove? Hvala
Odgovor: Za predmetni Konkurs ne postoje restrikcije u pogledu geografskog porekla ponuđača, ali postoje ograničenja u pogledu ispunjenja kvalifikacionih kriterijuma. Od ponuđača se očekuje da je upoznat sa zakonima Republike Srbije, tako da ukoliko ispunjava uslove previđene zakonima nije neophodno da u svom timu ima srpske inženjere i arhitekte. Od podnosioca konkursnog rešenja se očekuje da ispuni uslove predviđene Konkursom, i da ponuđeno tehničko rešenje bude usaglašeno prema zakonima Republike Srbije, pogotovu prema uslovnostima za pripremu tehničke dokumentacije kako je definisano Zakonom o planiranju i izgradnji Republike Srbije.
Question: Hello, is it allowed for non-Serbian architects to participate in this competition? Can the team be international, without Serbian members? Thanks
Answer: There are no restrictions for the subject Competition regarding geographical origin of the bidder, but there are restrictions regarding the fulfillment of the qualification criteria. The bidder is expected to be familiar with the laws of the Republic of Serbia, so if it meets the conditions stipulated by the laws it is not required to have Serbian engineers and architects in its team. The submitter of the competition solution is expected to fulfill the conditions set by the Competition, and for the offered technical solution to be compliant with the laws of the Republic of Serbia, especially with the conditions for preparation of the technical documentation as defined by the Law on Planning and Construction of the Republic of Serbia.